Sponsorship Opportunities
We offer exclusive sponsorship opportunities to expand the reach and drive booth traffic for every budget. Purchase a la carte from our sponsorship listing or contact us to create a custom-fit package tailored to your company's personality, goals and increase visibility with IPMI members and conference attendees before, during and after the Conference & Expo.
Download the full sponsorship listing
Below are a few highlights of what’s available. Interested in ways to make your brand stand out?
Contact us!
COST: $5,000 | Max 1
Staged outside the exhibit hall, near registration, attendees will be able to “Plug-In” at designed tables and charge their devices. Will include high-top tables and custom graphics.
COST: $1,500 | Max UNLIMITED
It’s never been more critical to support industry professionals who need assistance in their careers. Your sponsorship provides valuable scholarships for five individuals who need them.
- Full page ad in the official Digital Program Guide (exhibitors purchase for $750!)
- Dedicated pre-event email featuring all Attendee Scholarship Sponsors to attendees.
- Your logo featured in official Digital Program Guide as sponsor.
- Announcement on IPMI LinkedIn page sharing attendee scholarship sponsors.
- Featured social media post.
- Your logo on email to all attendees in the “Planning Your 2021 IPMI Conference Experience” communication.
- One banner ad in an IPMI E-newsletter of your choice from available opportunities (728 x 90.)
- Digital marketing package customized with your logo for electronic and social media.
- Discounts on additional available sponsorship opportunities.
- Discounts on advertising in Conference wrap-up Issue of Parking & Mobility in early 2022.
COST: $2,000 PER SHOPTALK | Max 12 | Remaining: 6
Demonstrate your knowledge and expertise as a moderator for a selected Shoptalk session. Serving as a moderator directly aligns your company with the best and brightest—your representative will queue up the session, field Q&A, and interact with attendees.
Sponsorship of this popular education sessions is first-come, first served, and secured through advance payment. IPMI to determine Shoptalk topics and sponsors to choose from available selections. Moderator must be a registered attendee; Conference registration is the responsibility of the sponsor.
- Your selected expert moderator featured in mobile app or website with education session details and speaker biographies and headshots.
- Your logo featured in official Digital Program Guide as sponsor.
- Your logo on email to all attendees in the “Planning Your 2021 IPMI Conference Experience” communication.
- Chair drop of your selected material (brochure or giveaway provided by sponsor).*
- Featured social media post during event.
- Digital marketing package customized with your logo for electronic and social media.
- Discounts on additional available sponsorship opportunities.
- Discounts on advertising in Conference wrap-up issue of Parking & Mobility in early 2022.
*Marketing piece must be approved by IPMI. IPMI reserves the right to deny any material not suitable. Sponsor responsible for bringing item to the event for coordinator drop off.