Toolkit Letter

June 1 - June 2

Virtual Conference & Expo Registration is open!

Toolkit Letter


This letter is also available in Word format.

Letter to Supervisor for Parking, Transportation & Mobility Professionals

< Date >

Dear < supervisor’s name >,

I would like to attend the International Parking & Mobility Institute’s 2020 Annual Conference & Expo, May 31- June 3, 2020 the #1 Parking & Mobility Industry Event. The conference will enable me to attend a number of education sessions that are directly applicable to my work and will allow me to network with a variety of industry experts and colleagues from around the world. I have the opportunity to select from more than 50 education sessions broken into five education tracks:

Build – Addresses the planning, design, construction, maintenance and renovation of physical parking and transportation infrastructure.   This track will address these concepts from the curb, to stand-alone garages and lots, to mixed-use facilities and adaptive reuse strategies.

Energize – Provides inspiration, motivation, skill sets and creativity for organizational, professional, and personal development. This track can include ambassadorship and advocacy, team building, and leadership skills, marketing and public relations.

Execute – Examines all areas of administration, operations, risk management, finance, human resources, project management, marketing, and more.  From strategic planning all the way to day-to-day operations, this track will focus on the essentials and the specifics of running a parking, transportation, and mobility organization.  

Innovate – Focuses on innovation and tech in mobility, transportation and parking, from the state of the industry to the bleeding-edge and disruptive.  Innovation topics may be technology-based, people-powered, or creative organizational solutions.

Move – Dives into all aspects of all modes of transportation, TDM, and trends shaping our industry. This track will cover all modes of transportation, from the first mile to the last, and include mass transit and micro-mobility.

All of the presentations are tailored to the < your profession > professional and give information on how to < list benefits to your responsibilities >. I will also have the opportunity to meet and compare multiple types of technologies available and anticipate finding opportunities to cut costs and streamline our overall operation as well as experience a bird's eye view of ; a local active parking operation focusing on . Throughout the week, I will have opportunities to collaborate with counterparts from around the world in industry segment specific and industry "trending now topic" roundtables. With more than 230 companies representing a wide-array of parking and transportation products and services, I feel this is the best opportunity to be able to do comparison studies and research for future equipment needs to ensure we are maximizing our organizational efficiency and providing first-class customer service.

I am seeking approval for the registration fee, hotel and travel expenses to the conference, & a minimal food per diem during the conference, as some meals are actually included in my registration.  A detailed cost breakdown is included below.

After reviewing the schedule, I have identified a number of education sessions which will allow me to gain knowledge and understanding about how we can improve our processes. The presentations are facilitated by both industry experts, peers and like organizations that have faced similar challenges. I chose each of these presentations because it is directly related to an issue we are dealing with in currently. Getting the information in a seminar format will greatly reduce the research time and costs the < your organization’s name > would normally incur in researching the topics. Incidentally, I have only listed some of the seminars that I will attend. Including them all would make this memo much too long.

< You will need to insert the session descriptions which most apply to your responsibilities and interests. >

< The numbers in brackets below will need to be adjusted to reflect the current pricing. All registration fees are listed here. The travel costs vary as well and should be changed to reflect your costs. >

Full price conference fee is <$xxxx>, but can be reduced by registering before February 10, 2020. This would allow me to return and share a vast amount of knowledge and expertise with my entire department. This alone has immeasurable benefits to our entire organization.

In addition, I can secure my accommodations at the host hotel, where IPI has negotiated an exclusive room rate available to IPMI attendees for as low as *$199 a night with an additional benefit of daily in room Wi-Fi service. To further save costs, IPMI has negotiated with Delta Airlines to offer attendees up to 10% off fares.

< You will need to insert your travel cost numbers in here >

Here is the breakdown of conference costs:

Roundtrip Airfare: <$xxxx>
Transportation: <$xxxx>
Hotel: <$xxxx>
**Meals: <$xxxx>
Conference Fee: <$xxxx>

The total costs associated with attending this conference are: <$xxxx>.

The opportunity for me to develop better contacts and gain knowledge in specific areas of < your profession > makes my attendance at the International Parking & Mobility Institute’s Conference & Expo a wise investment, which will yield rich dividends for < name of your organization >.


< your name here >

* Rates, subject to room availability, are good through April 30, 2020 only.

IPMI's 2020 Virtual Parking & Mobility Conference & Expo will be packed with more than 40 sessions and 100 speakers, immersive deep-dive sessions for attendees to explore key topics, presentations from some of the most innovative organizations, and opportunities to engage and foster collaborations and build lasting relationships. Stay Connected! >>
Exhibitors can participate in #IPMI2020 virtual experience in a variety of ways. We've built a program that will both allow you to share content and be a visible participant in the #IPMI2020 platform. From Startup companies giving you a sneak peek at emerging technology to forward-thinking integration platforms and products - you'll find the best the industry has to offer for streamlining your operations and planning for the future. >>
#IPMI2020 is a unique opportunity for technology and service providers and even Startups, to put their businesses in front of a global community of decision-makers that drive millions of dollars of procurement decisions. Virtual exhibitor booths offer you 24/7 access to attendees for a full year. You never have to leave your computer to display your products and services, chat with attendees, and generate high-volume, targeted leads. Custom sponsorship opportunities exist to drive traffic to your virtual booth page and enhance your marketing efforts. >>
Thanks to our 2020 Strategic Partners

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