
June 1 - June 2

Virtual Conference & Expo Registration is open!

2020 IPMI Conference & Expo Program Task Force Development Timeline

Submission Process, Evaluation and Notification Timeline

Below you will find key dates to help you know what to expect throughout the submission, evaluation and notification process, along with what happens once you are selected. These are concrete deadlines and we are unable to accommodate requests for special consideration or extensions.  

If you are invited to be a speaker, these dates must be met or the invitation to present can be revoked.  Your understanding and responsiveness is appreciated.
September 12, 2019 Call for Presentations for IPMI 2020 Opens
Close Date:  October 10 at 7:00 pm EDT
October 10, 2019 Last day to complete submissions for IPMI 2020 Call for Presentations
*must be complete by 7:00 pm EDT
Oct 18- Nov 15, 2019 Conference Program Task Force Reviews and Rates Submissions
*only complete submissions will be reviewed.
December 2, 2019 Official Invitation to Speak submission selection notification sent (via email)
December 16, 2019 Selected speaker(s) (including co-presenters) sign the electronic IPMI Speaker Agreement. Electronic document provided in the Speaker Service Center (SSC).  
*failure to do so by this deadline will be an automatic revocation of your offer to speak/present. 
January 31, 2020 Book Hotel at IPMI Contracted Hotel
*hotel cutoff is May 7; however, this only guarantees rate if there is availability.  We strongly encourage you to book your hotel room(s) as soon as possible.
February 10, 2020 Register no later than this date to take advantage of early-bird rates plus 25% speaker discount.
March 9, 2020 IPMI will provide 2020 IPMI Conference & Expo Speaker PowerPoint template.  This template and any event branded slides must be used for all presentations.
April 3, 2020 Special request for onsite AV due to IPMI (including "sound").  Any request after this date will not be guaranteed.
Special request for onsite AV due to IPMI (including "sound"). Any request after this date will not be guaranteed. *To submit requests contact Federici@parking-mobility.org
April 9, 2020 Book Travel
April 30, 2020 Register no later than this date to be eligible for the 25% speaker discount
May 8, 2020 All presentation handouts must be uploaded in the SSC.

NEW for 2020: Speakers/presenters are being asked to offer an educational handout to attendees summarizing materials and key items from their session as takeaway value.  This replaces the previous requirement to post full Power Point presentations for attendee download in the Handouts section of the Speaker Service Center.  These handouts are highly encouraged to provide attendees with information that will reinforce the educational content provided during the session.  Sales materials and brochures will not be permitted to be uploaded.   

IPMI's 2020 Virtual Parking & Mobility Conference & Expo will be packed with more than 40 sessions and 100 speakers, immersive deep-dive sessions for attendees to explore key topics, presentations from some of the most innovative organizations, and opportunities to engage and foster collaborations and build lasting relationships. Stay Connected! >>
Exhibitors can participate in #IPMI2020 virtual experience in a variety of ways. We've built a program that will both allow you to share content and be a visible participant in the #IPMI2020 platform. From Startup companies giving you a sneak peek at emerging technology to forward-thinking integration platforms and products - you'll find the best the industry has to offer for streamlining your operations and planning for the future. >>
#IPMI2020 is a unique opportunity for technology and service providers and even Startups, to put their businesses in front of a global community of decision-makers that drive millions of dollars of procurement decisions. Virtual exhibitor booths offer you 24/7 access to attendees for a full year. You never have to leave your computer to display your products and services, chat with attendees, and generate high-volume, targeted leads. Custom sponsorship opportunities exist to drive traffic to your virtual booth page and enhance your marketing efforts. >>
Thanks to our 2020 Strategic Partners

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