Smart Cities Pavilion- Public Parking Authority of Pittsburgh

June 1 - June 2

Virtual Conference & Expo Registration is open!

Smart Cities Pavilion- Public Parking Authority of Pittsburgh

Public Parking Authority of Pittsburgh's Story

Creating a Smart City is a collaborative enterprise. It requires the collection of large amounts of informed data from project partners, shaping it to useful form and, ultimately, making it available for convenient stakeholder access. Central to the purpose of this application, the Pittsburgh model now being developed includes a public parking dimension specifically involving the Public Parking Authority of Pittsburgh’s inventory of 11,000 metered spaces. Reflecting the commitment to technological progress that helped earn its designation as 2015’s IPMI Parking Organization of the Year, the Authority manages those on-and-off-street locations with equipment and techniques as sophisticated as any in the industry. One result of that technological growth: the volume and diversity of data the Authority is capable of capturing has enabled the organization to increase the efficiency of its enforcement function; track per-space usage and revenue trends; identify locations for additional metering; and, working with City of Pittsburgh planners, enable  previously metered curbside spaces to be converted to lanes for bicycle-only use or as storage sites for a City-operated bike-rental program.

Visit the Smart Cities Pavilion during the Virtual Conference & Expo to see representatives discuss the Public Parking Authority of Pittsburgh's collaborative story.

IPMI's 2020 Virtual Parking & Mobility Conference & Expo will be packed with more than 40 sessions and 100 speakers, immersive deep-dive sessions for attendees to explore key topics, presentations from some of the most innovative organizations, and opportunities to engage and foster collaborations and build lasting relationships. Stay Connected! >>
Exhibitors can participate in #IPMI2020 virtual experience in a variety of ways. We've built a program that will both allow you to share content and be a visible participant in the #IPMI2020 platform. From Startup companies giving you a sneak peek at emerging technology to forward-thinking integration platforms and products - you'll find the best the industry has to offer for streamlining your operations and planning for the future. >>
#IPMI2020 is a unique opportunity for technology and service providers and even Startups, to put their businesses in front of a global community of decision-makers that drive millions of dollars of procurement decisions. Virtual exhibitor booths offer you 24/7 access to attendees for a full year. You never have to leave your computer to display your products and services, chat with attendees, and generate high-volume, targeted leads. Custom sponsorship opportunities exist to drive traffic to your virtual booth page and enhance your marketing efforts. >>
Thanks to our 2020 Strategic Partners

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